Satisfaction Guarantee

45 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
At NAC Marketing, LLC dba New Vitality, we stand behind our products and our quality controls and we want you to be completely satisfied with every product you purchase from New Vitality or from one of our authorized sellers. Our products come with a 45 day money-back Guarantee beginning on the date of purchase. You may use any New Vitality product for 45 days absolutely risk free. If you do not see or feel the results you expected, you may submit a Guarantee request to us within 45 days from the date of purchase. No explanation as to why you are dissatisfied with the product is required…your complete satisfaction is guaranteed! Please note that because we are unable to control the quality of our products sold by unauthorized sellers, unless otherwise prohibited by law, our Guarantee is not available for products purchased from unauthorized sellers. The Guarantee is also limited to the original, end-user purchaser. If you have any questions regarding whether a seller is an authorized New Vitality seller, please contact us at or 1-800-943-6465.
To submit a Guarantee request, please call New Vitality Customer Service at 1-800-943-6465 and have information available regarding where and when you purchased your product. If your request is approved, you will then need to mail us the remaining, unused portion of your product, a proof of purchase, and your Guarantee approval number. You are responsible for any shipping and handling charges.
New Vitality reserves the right to verify information, require a valid proof of purchase, and to deny Guarantee requests in its discretion in cases of suspected fraud or if a customer has abused the Guarantee.